To heal is to become sound or healthy again. To be healthy is living a full life.
There was a time in my early thirties close to cancer when my language and storytelling included the word BROKEN. I felt broken… like a million tiny pieces of me were laid out haphazardly on the floor and no matter how much effort I put into the project of putting myself back together again I couldn’t recreate her.
As I walked about with weight of emotional turmoil, regretful actions and a soft, barely there light it was clear I needed healing. It was clear that I was not healthy – that my connection to the love source that I truly am had been neglected, forgotten, lost inside the darkness. Healing became necessity. Signs and signals were clear. And they were constant… sadness, grief, fear, anger, impatience and more.
In that particular moment cancer served as the ignitor to my exploration of whole healing beyond the physical realm and into the tending to of my spiritual self. It did not feel good in my body being in this world as a version I sensed was far away from what I am designed to be.
Darkness lifted me into a new journey of deep healing… layers of endless healing. Starting with survival and the mending of my physical body, moving into the healing of self as an energy field, and now always dancing with the healing of my spiritual connectivity. Each layer bringing me closer into relationship with the Creator and the truth of who I am.
As I feel it now, the meaning of HEALING is this: to become more of the pure essence – the truth – of who you are as a divine creation, as light, as a pure love source. For those on a spiritual path toward enlightenment healing may last a lifetime. No longer do I see healing reserved and prescribed only to those who are inside darkness. Healing is how we make our way back home and life’s experiences no matter the flavor serve as the roadmap leading you in the right direction.
May you find gentle doses of healing in the invitations below:
1.) Breathe deeply, intentionally, and mindfully throughout your days (maybe even letting out an audible “ahhhhh” on the exhale for extra release!).
2.) Be with nature. Earth, fire, wind, water, sun, moon, stars .. let them soothe you, recharge you, speak to you.
3.) Move your body in ways that feel ultra-good. Dancing and yoga encourage deep connection to the physical and energetic body helping us stay in present moment joy.
4.) Connect to the higher power of your understanding daily perhaps beginning each morning with a prayer, mantra, or request for guidance.
5.) Meditate to explore, tend to, and care for Self.
6.) Write freely. Allow your truest expression to be navigated and released.
7.) Read books, have conversations, and listen to podcasts that support your highest visions, nourish your soul and remind you where you are going.
8.) Nurture your body with high vibrational foods from Mama Earth.
9.) Find your crew of like-minded, like-hearted beings and keep your heart’s fire fueled.
10.) Remember you are a magical creation here with great purpose. Learn everything you can about the truest, most powerful nature of you!
To find out more about the author check out Sara’s website –
This article was in our September 2020 Magazine – Click Here to view that issue!
All of the posts written for Elephants and Tea are contributed by patients, survivors, caregivers and loved ones dealing with cancer. If you have a story or experience you would like to share with the cancer community we would love to hear from you! Please submit your idea at
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