The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.

Search Results for "COVID-19"...

2020: What Fresh Start?

by Lisa Orr June 1, 2020

If I’m being completely honest, ‘survivor’ is still a term I struggle with. Something I often ask myself is: will I always feel this way? Is it hard for me to accept this term because the wounds are still so fresh?

Masking it with Anny

Masking It

by Anny Carroll May 28, 2020

Recently, I’ve seen numerous people talk about how difficult it is to wear a mask. “It’s too hot.” “I can’t breathe in it.” “It makes me feel claustrophobic.” I’ve had several people ask me how I can possibly stand wearing one all day at work.

Quarantine The New Normal

Quarantine Life: The “New” Normal

by Jesse Anne Moore May 27, 2020

Welcome To quarantine life: The “New” Normal. One day your living your life-day in and day out-on repeat. Everything seems fine..maybe a little off every now and then but for the most part-normal. Then SUDDENLY everything changes. Everything is up in the air in limbo.

Alison Silberman

Spilling Tea with the G’s – Episode #5

by Nick Giallourakis May 26, 2020

The CEO of Stupid Cancer, Alison Silberman, joined the G’s for another spilling tea session! We talked about Virtual CancerCon, what Stupid Cancer is doing for the cancer community during COVID-19 and more! Steve reflects on the different CancerCons that he has attended and how important they have been for him in building new relationships in the cancer community!

Sunset in Canada

Keeping Hope Alive in Uncertain Times

by Mike Wark May 21, 2020

What does it mean to find hope in each day, when it feels as though the world is crashing all around you? As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the globe, and each day brings more pessimism over the latest infection rates, economic contractions, business closures, and the like, it can seem a huge challenge not to get lost down the metaphorical rabbit hole of uncertainty, anxiety, and despair.

Hiding at home with cancer

Reopening: Through the Eyes of a Cancer Survivor

by Jennifer Anand May 11, 2020

I haven’t written anything directly about COVID-19, and somewhat purposefully. My social media and news-feed are inundated with information from left and right-wing news outlets, opinion posts from my extreme liberal and conservative friends.

Krishna Desai

COVID-19: Welcome to my World

by Krishna Desai April 28, 2020

COVID-19: welcome to my world. I have been preparing for your experiment with my own. When the experiment initiated, people began to ask questions that they never knew they would need to ask.

Exercise Tips with cancer

3 Simple Exercise Tips During Social Distancing

by Jennifer Anand April 27, 2020

Think of someone you consider an “exercise buff”. Then think of the exact opposite person. You have now thought of me. I see so many articles of power lifters, and gym rats, and marathon runners, and all these gloriously physical people. And that’s not me

Hanna and Social Isolation

DIY Social Isolation from a Cancer “Survivor”

by Hanna Madsen April 21, 2020

DIY (Do it Yourself) Social Isolation from a Cancer “Survivor”. Accept the new normal. This is your new normal. Focus on what is physically, emotionally, and socially possible. Relinquish what is impossible and does not serve you. Do not look back.

Grieving COVID-19

The Grief of COVID-19

by Jennifer Anand April 13, 2020

One day, we will celebrate again. Together. With those we love and miss. And we will once again be able to grieve together the ones we have lost during this time of isolation. We’ll never get back these days, these memories, these times. But we continue to prove, time and time again, that nothing is lost when we have hope for better days to come.