The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.

Search Results for "COVID-19"...

Cancer and Sex

Cancer and Sexuality

by Siobhan Hebron November 1, 2020

Cancer and sexuality are two megawatt topics all on their own. Still when looked at together, the topic is rarely given enough attention, anecdotally speaking. Apparently, I was one of the lucky ones, my oncologists spoke to me about fertility.

What Never Really Was

What Never Really Was

by Brooke Barnes October 13, 2020

Do you ever find yourself longing for some time in the past? An experience that, at the time didn’t seem remarkable or even enjoyable, but looking back all that you remember are the good parts. I started having this feeling recently about the early days of quarantine.

Cancer vs Coronavirus

Cancer vs Coronavirus

by Amanda Ferraro

As a cancer patient, the only silver lining that I can currently think of during a global pandemic is that our oncology team has prepared us so very well.

Remission Now What

Remission… What Now?

by Gaby Berkman September 27, 2020

I finished my last chemotherapy treatment for stage 3b Hodgkin Lymphoma on May 28th. I should have been elated – months of treatment, done! Officially in remission! On the path to full health! But instead – I felt a distinct sadness. In a time of quarantine and uncertainty,

Thyroid Cancer Reflection

Reflection on Where I am Today with Thyroid Cancer

by Danielle Nicosia September 21, 2020

In July 2012, I was diagnosed with Metastatic Thyroid Cancer after being misdiagnosed for ten years. I was being seen by a Chief Endocrinologist named Doctor Shapiro who works in Mineola, New York. He refused to listen to me until I ended up blacking out in college and was taken to the hospital.

September 2020 Magazine: The Wellness and Mindfulness Issue

September 2020 Magazine: The Wellness and Mindfulness Issue

by Nick Giallourakis September 2, 2020

When we put together our editorial calendar at the end of 2019 for 2020, I never imagined how significantly important our decision was to make the September magazine the “wellness and mindfulness” issue.

your fear is valid

Your Fear is Valid

by Rachel Mihalko July 27, 2020

This fear that I feel is not uncommon in this world. So many survivors and patients are struggling with this right now. People who don’t understand it may call it irrational, but what it truly is is valid. We have been through so much, so no wonder a global pandemic would bring out those fears. We’ve lived periods of our lives in which we avoided sickness as much as possible, because of how detrimental it can be when in treatment with a suppressed immune system. 

I am not your cute cancer subplot

I Am Not Your Cute Subplot: Cancer in Media

by Morgan Boyer June 13, 2020

Next time, give me a cancer character who is too exhausted from their chemo to do the dishes so they take their pills with a coffee mug. Give me a cancer character whose chemo fog causes them to forget to text their roommate to get toilet paper at the store and the moment they realize it they cuss. Give me a cancer character who hates taking the dog out because every time a neighbor stops to ask them how they’re doing, even though they just spoke to each other yesterday, so why would it have changed? Give me a cancer character who is annoyed at all of the people they’ve ever known on Facebook posting on their wall about how bad they feel for them.

Caregiving + COVID-19 = More Stress

Caregiving + COVID-19 = More Stress

by Angie Giallourakis, PhD June 8, 2020

Caring for loved ones with cancer requires emotional fortitude, empathy, dedication, strength, and patience (for yourself and others). Knowing that this situation is impacting our lives, I thought it best to provide some coping strategies while social distancing.

mental health matters

Studying Resilience Among AYAs

by Urska Kosir June 5, 2020

Mental health matters. Mental health impact of cancer can be bigger than the physical aspect of it. Mental health aspect of cancer needs to stop being a taboo.