One Day More
Strand by strand
Never expected you to go
Always there
Protected me
Hid me
I’d see more and more of you falling away
Red and shining you laid on my pillow
Red and shining you became tumbleweeds across the floor
Red and shining you came out in clumps, plastered on the shower walls
Dreaded and matted like a dog unloved
Nothing left to do
But cut you all away
In the corner of a cold room
The clippers ran over my scalp
Took the last of you with them
Tears streaming
Nose running
Bare and raw for all
Watching the clock
Waiting for the moments to pass
Waiting for normal
Sleeping to avoid reality
Even if my dreams aren’t much better
Avoiding meals
Eating takes too much
Everything tastes empty
Like me
Strength has escaped
Mouth ravaged by sores
Nose won’t stop bleeding
Bruises all over
Body weak
Can’t even get up without the strength of another
Nothing left to give
Can’t even pick up the phone to let them know I’m alright
Am I dying?
Not today
One more day
Two more days
A hundred more days
A lifetime more
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