The stories and experiences are written by people after cancer treatments. These stories are written for those learning how to get back to work, college or just trying to be themselves again. Just getting past treatments isn’t enough, it is surviving and thriving that is key to being you again.
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Why Am I Here?
Hello world, my name is Lauren. You may be thinking, “Another yoga blog. Why do we need another one of those?” Well, hopefully my angle is unique and offers something up to the yoga-blog-world that wasn’t there before.
Read More...Where Are The Superpowers?
It all started in January of 2020 when I decided I HAD to go into Urgent Care to get my groin pain checked out. I must’ve torn a muscle, or something like that….again.
Read More...A New Hope
Over time, I began to feel guilty, especially around my own cancer-free milestones. Why am I alive when they aren’t? My treatment was significantly shorter and less intense. I hadn’t fought any harder and wasn’t any more positive. After years of being a supportive friend, I was now helpless.
Read More...I Love You
I am writing this letter to tell you that after almost 28 years of fighting it’s okay that you have the scars that you do, both physical and emotional. It’s okay that you aren’t married yet, it was actually a TRUE BLESSING from only God Himself that, that relationship did not work with him.
Read More...Modesty
I lay next to another human, warm and comfortable and was filled with a wave of gratitude. Lovingly touched by someone who deeply cared for me. My heart felt like it would explode with happiness.
Read More...To My Younger Self…Would You Believe Me?
Words may not express all my feelings to you as you will be faced with so many challenges later on. How can you prepare a child for all the issues that adults face? Whilst everyone’s childhood supposed to be filled with toys, joy, wonderful family memories, mine was a little different.
Read More...Dear Younger Me, Never Stop Living
Jen, hold your life plans loosely. Goals are great. Crushed dreams are painful. Disappointment is hard. Don’t forget that your path will not be straight. I know you love being in control and planning everything out.
Read More...Reflection
As I write this letter, I’m imagining you standing in front of your mirror at 16 years old, only a few months past finishing chemo and radiation. It’s around 2:00 p.m., you’re contorting your body in a way that makes you appear as thin as possible for a selfie, and all you’ve had to eat today is a bowl of plain oatmeal with blueberries because you are terrified of any food that isn’t considered “clean.”
Read More...My Perfect Storm
Finally, after a long career in the corporate world, as the only female in my industry and cracking some glass ceilings; my dream of semi-retiring came to fruition. My finances were in good shape, my Colorado home paid off early and my kids were graduated and on their way in life.
Read More...My Cancer Roller-Coaster
Even though I have been traveling my cancer journey for 13 years, it is only just the beginning. I started riding this roller-coaster alone, but now my coaster train is filled and there is even a line of people waiting and wanting to ride alongside me.