The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.

Dear Cancer

Each year we ask the AYA cancer community to submit letters to cancer to express their feelings about how cancer has changed their lives. People explore an array of emotions in these letters, including anger, sadness, gratitude, and hope.

Want to submit an article or write your own letter to cancer? Click Here.

Friends And The Archenemy

by Anika Singh December 26, 2019

I met you for the first me when I was seventeen, second semester senior in high school and months away from graduating. I had heard whispers about you before; you had met a few of my family members.


Getting Through the Darkest Days

by Anne Courso December 19, 2019

Dear Cancer, It was right between chemo number five and six. Against everything that you read on the Internet I was going home to visit my dad. This meant one week of airplanes and hospitals, the two places filled with the most germs. As I prepared myself to go home, I packed my steroid pills, […]


Because Of You, I Know The Best Way To Live

by Nancy Ferro

Well, 2007 was going to be a positive, exciting year, at least until you got involved. My oldest son Michael was in his last semester at Regis University. I was so proud of him, and I was looking forward to watching him walk into the next chapter of his world.


Never Give Up

by Joyce Lofstrom

So much to say about ‘being touched by cancer…’ My letter covers my own cancer journey and that of my son. We were both young adults with cancer…I survived. He didn’t. Here is our story.


I So Want To Be Around To Wish You A Warm, “Goodbye.”

by Joe Baber

Shortly before you and I became closely acquainted, I was sixty years old, bouncing back from congestive heart failure, and at a crossroads in my life.  I knew I could not continue working for the rest of my life and I wondered what I was going to do after I retired in five, or six more years.


Without The Bad, How Can There Be Good?

by Rachel Mihalko December 16, 2019

How do I tell someone new that I meet that I’ve been through cancer? Should I? Will it come up naturally? This is one of the ways my battle with cancer plagues me on a daily basis.


You Give Strangers a Reason to be Friends

by Danielle A. Cloakey

Dear Cancer, Sometimes I imagine you as an animated character, like the chef in the Little Mermaid, the one that chases Sebastian the crab everywhere, wanting to boil him alive. You’re unrelenting, like that chef, and you keep coming and coming. It’s not fair. And what’s more, you keep wanting to boil CHILDREN, not crabs. […]


A Goodbye Letter to my Breasts

by Marloe Esch DNP, RN, OCN

I guess I owe you an apology.  I’m sorry it took me so damn long to love you for what you were.Remember when I was little, and I ran around with balled up napkins and water balloons under my shirt?


Today I Say Thank You

by Liz Kennish

I assume you get a lot of hate mail, I know I don’t often hear your praises, but today I’m here to thank you. I know it must feel like I haven’t noticed all you’ve done for me, like a parent who is seldom thanked for all they do, your existence in my life is so second nature I’ve not stopped long enough to acknowledge you much.



by University Hospitals AYA Cancer Group - Cleveland, OH

It’s been a year. Fuck you. (x a billion). You took over my life. I’m trapped. I can’t do anything I used to do. I hate feeling so tired. You make me walk like a 70-year-old woman. Everyone walks miles ahead of me.