The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.

January, 18th 2025: Join us for food, drinks, dancing, and author sharing — all to support our mission. Learn more here!

Dear Cancer

How Do I Find Life With You?

by Carrie T July 18, 2024

Dear Cancer,

Here I go again, writing to you. Sometimes it feels like I’m writing to a frenemy who won’t go away because you’ve made the biggest impact on my life.


Dear Cancer, Remember Me?

by Beth Reed July 17, 2024

Dear Cancer,

Wow, I can’t believe it has been 28 years since I met you. You stopped my life in my teenage tracks and at the same time gave me a perception of gratitude and life I never knew was possible. One day I was playing varsity field hockey and the next I was holed up on the Upper West Side getting chemo.


Dear Cancer: I Will Never Say Thank You

by Jess Isomoto July 16, 2024

Dear Cancer,

If I tell you this, promise not to tell anyone else, because I can barely bring myself to write it, and I will never say this out loud.


Dear Cancer, I Might Miss You

by Karrah Teruya July 11, 2024

Dear Cancer,

I have written this letter to you a thousand times in my head. Each time, I argued about how I felt about you. How could I be angry at something that takes such an impersonal form? You aren’t even real. You don’t have a soul.


I’m Positive I Hate You

by Marley Coxe

Dear ALK Positive,

I guess it’s time we became acquainted.

You’ve chosen this body to be your vessel. It would have been nice if you’d asked before rudely invading. Even trying to hide while you spread yourself out across more space than you needed.


Dearest Cancer

by Linsey Drane July 10, 2024

Dear Cancer,

July 1, 2020. You entered my life like a subway train speeding to its next stop. You brought so many words. Terrifying words. Confusing words. Complicated words. Hormones. Invasive ductal carcinoma. Margins. Stages. Lymph nodes. Metastasis. Surgery.


Dear Cancer (Circling Back)

by Katie Newbaum July 9, 2024

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young are spinning on the record player
I dance to Suite Judy Blue Eyes and remember who I am
Just a few weeks ago this scene would have been near impossible


Dear Cancer

by Sophie Foster July 8, 2024

Dear Cancer,

you probably don’t remember me.
you’ve probably seen a million kids since you met me.
there are thousands of kids that they couldn’t save,


Two Ribbons

by Dr. Crystal Champion June 27, 2024

Dear Cancer, I never would have thought that December 31, 2019, would be a day I would receive news that would change my life forever. I was in a complete state of denial, shock, and disbelief as I sat in my car in a parking lot.


Dear Cancer, Isn’t It Ironic?

by Quinn Fitzgerald

Dear Cancer,

Read those two words again, isn’t it ironic? “Dear cancer.” Two words that should never be side by side, but here they are placed together so carelessly and yet also intentionally.