Cancer and Sex
Dude, Where’s My Erection? Part III
We’ve made it to the final installment of this series! Part I highlighted how and why erection problems can occur after cancer, and Part II outlined some of the pharmacological options available to help improve erectile function for cancer survivors. However, not all erection issues require a prescription, and not all penises respond well to medicines.
Read More...Orgasms After Cancer: Part I
Understanding the “O” in “OMG!”
As if all the other side effects from cancer treatment aren’t bad enough, survivors can also experience frustrating changes in their sex lives, including newly altered (or absent!) orgasms. Why does this happen, and what can be done?
Read More...Even Cancer Patients Like Sex
I know this topic is peculiar to talk about but as an adult it is a natural occurrence. Let’s talk about sex! I know you squirmed a little bit reading that and to be honest I am a little uncomfortable too, but I do not know why.