Hearts Need Art Monthly Meet Up
Click here to sign up on Zoom: https://usc-hipaa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUld-GuqjwvGtbw_oH1yKTeJi55dm2oBfPe
Are you a young adult with cancer between the ages of 18-39? Do you enjoy music, art and journaling? Would you like to meet your peers and have fun together? We can’t wait to see you at our Music, Art & Word Meet Up to share and express who you truly are! This event is co-sponsored USC Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Program (AYA@USC) and Hearts Need Art.
Our group meets once a month on the Third Tuesdays at 4 pm PST/7pm EST.
Supplies needed are as following:
Square piece of paper No bigger than 9″ X 9″. Or use a rectangle piece of paper
At least two differently colored writing/drawing tools
Masking tape or scotch tape… anything with a good straight edge.
FREE for young adults ages 18 to 39 with cancer, caregivers and family members.
For questions, please contact shuli@usc.edu. Thank you!
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