The stories and experiences are written by people after cancer treatments. These stories are written for those learning how to get back to work, college or just trying to be themselves again. Just getting past treatments isn’t enough, it is surviving and thriving that is key to being you again.
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The Freedom to Live My Life
Dear Cancer, Since my diagnosis I have lost two AYAs to you. However, I have gained a new support system. And a new family that I didn’t want but one that I desperately needed. I have lost two years of my life worrying about you. But in those two years I have made amazing memories […]
Read More...You Knocked Me Down But I Got Back Up
Dear Cancer, Ever since I was a small child and had to be brought back to life following a severe asthma attack, I have known that I possess the instincts of a fighter. With that said, I never imagined that, at the age of 32, I would dealing with you. You see, I worked for […]
Read More...How Dare You? Did You Not Know?
Dear Cancer, There are so many things I want to say to you. My mind is swirling right now as I try to put my thoughts to paper. Well, laptop, but I don’t think that’s a saying yet. I mean, should I keep it optimistic and politically correct by speaking only of the good? Dare […]
Read More...I Ran Away to an Island Far Away
Until I ran away. I ran away from my new life because you still haunted me. In a desperate quest to learn who I was without you, I ran away to an island far away. I left my job, family, and responsibilities behind. I had to fight this battle alone. Or so I thought.
Read More...You Are Not Alone
This letter is long overdue. I think I need to spell some things out. There are some truths that I need to state out loud – just to set the record straight between us.
Read More...Be Blessed or Be Broken
Such the paradox, dear cancer. You destroy and you heal. You take lives, and you save them. You are fear, and you are love. You are death. You are life. You bring joy and so incredibly much pain.
Read More...Beauty Born from Heartache
Hey Cancer, I stayed up last night, thinking of you. Don’t tell. It’d be awkward if people knew. I have a scan in a few months. And, as I thought of you, I visualized my PET results. All healthy and white with the lack of you. It felt … empty. I felt empty. So, in […]
Read More...You Made Me a Stronger Better Person
Dear Cancer, You might think I’m mad. You did push your way into my life without warning. You did turn my life upside down at 28 years old. I wasn’t supposed to be going to chemo treatments and radiation treatments and undergoing a ridiculous amount of surgery…not at 28. I was supposed to be hanging […]