Lucky Me – Being a Teen Cancer Survivor and Its Effects Now
Teenagers with cancer are put on the edge of their life at a very young age. The lucky ones get to live with the memories and late effects. It’s not fair to get cancer when your life has just begun. And it’s not fair, that if you are lucky enough to survive, you now have […]
Read More...How Writing Has Helped Me Live
I clearly remember the first time I read a book. Not a children’s book but a real novel. You know? My reading experience happened during what I call LBC or Life Before Cancer. I was 12 years old and it was a magical experience. The pages turned themselves.
Read More...The Difference A Nurse Can Make
This nurse made me smile every day. She made my family smile as well and I promise you, at the time their wasn’t that much to smile about. It wasn’t like she was telling jokes but rather she just treated me like me – not like a patient.
Read More...When Life Gives You Scars
In this blog teenage cancer survivor, author and speaker Mette de Fine Licht shares her thoughts about getting over cancer. The illness has left her with a big scar on her right leg. Not to mention the mental scars from long lonely days at the hospital.