Dear Cancer, Do You Remember Me?
Dear Cancer,
I wish I could start with, “Hello old friend, and thank you for all the ways you’ve shaped my growth,” as I have written before, but today that feels like a lie. One thing I’ve lost the ability to do is lie to protect you. Today I am still grieving and angry. Today I can’t see past all you have taken from me.
Can you even remember me? You took my mother in ‘88 when I was just a kid, and yet I thanked you. I thought my debt had been paid. You taught me to love every day, not just on good days, and I thanked you.
Read More...The Moment . . .
Have you seen a soul enter this world?
Have you felt a room fill with the energy of new life?
You can feel it.
The moment this tiny being joins you on this side, the room changes.
There is an electricity, a palpable jolt that all who are privileged to be present get to feel.
It is magic.
Today I Say Thank You
I assume you get a lot of hate mail, I know I don’t often hear your praises, but today I’m here to thank you. I know it must feel like I haven’t noticed all you’ve done for me, like a parent who is seldom thanked for all they do, your existence in my life is so second nature I’ve not stopped long enough to acknowledge you much.