The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.


The Power of Faith: Overcoming Feelings of Loneliness and Isolation

by Kayla VanBuskirk August 2, 2023

As I reflect on our experience with cancer, I’m reminded of how isolating that season of my life was. Enter the pandemic that forced us into physical isolation.


First Day of the Rest of My Life

by Starr Coleman April 23, 2019

I felt confused, scared, and angry that I, a 27 year old, had breast cancer. After a few sleepless days and tons of research (if you know me, I really mean tons) I accepted it. I wanted to fight this with an amount of optimism and positivity that I have never really known.


Finding My Hope

by Jennifer Anand April 16, 2019

My “last meal” pre-hospitalizaiton was actually a delicious corned beef dinner. My transplant was the day after St. Patty’s day. Every year


Last Known Good: 5 Lessons Learned from a Life Experience

by Vijay Anand February 13, 2019

Vijay Anand is the father Jennifer Anand – author of Jen’s Corner and cancer survivor.  Vijay reflects on being a parent and the feelings that come with watching your own daughter fighting for her life.