The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.


Sexuality, wellness and fertility are topics that aren’t talked about enough but are extremely important to the AYA cancer community. Check out stories and experiences that can help educate you on what to expect with sexual health, fertility and wellness. Have an experience or story that you’d like to share with the community?  Let us know about it!

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Sex Ed for Survivors: Safety First!

by Marloe Esch DNP, RN, OCN March 2, 2020

Safer sex practices are an important part of staying healthy, regardless of your age, gender, sexual orientation, relationship status…or cancer status!  But what does “safer sex” mean in the context of a cancer diagnosis? 


The Devastation Is Unforgivable

by Chantale Thurston December 26, 2019

Finding out about you was one of the two worst days of my life. My mind went into panic as I had lost my dad to you just seven months before and my father in law was told about you invading him just a mere six days before I heard the words.


A Goodbye Letter to my Breasts

by Marloe Esch DNP, RN, OCN December 16, 2019

I guess I owe you an apology.  I’m sorry it took me so damn long to love you for what you were.Remember when I was little, and I ran around with balled up napkins and water balloons under my shirt?


There is Nothing Pink and Pretty with Breast Cancer

by Jacqueline Cashman October 24, 2019

There is nothing pink and pretty about breast cancer…. Way back in 2003 I lost my mum to breast cancer, they say they “lost their battle” like they didn’t fight quite hard enough, I disagree, it’s purely luck, you either survive or you don’t. I feel it is quite a harsh term, nobody wants to […]


One Breast Tried To Kill Me, The Other Keeps My Baby Alive

by Kelly Knee October 23, 2019

Cancer has given me the greatest miracle there is, a perfect, healthy, handsome baby boy. I won’t make it seem like it has been easy since having my fifth child and being a single mother after cancer


Tougher Together: Sharing Stories of Surviving Cancer

by Marquina Iliev-Piselli October 10, 2019

The doctor finally called late on a Friday night. Holding my son in my arms, I rushed to the kitchen and picked up the phone. “I hate having calls like this,” he said. “It’s malignant.” Malignant, I thought, my brain trying and failing to grasp the enormity of the word. “You’re going to have to […]


Maybe, Baby? Birth Control After Cancer

by Marloe Esch DNP, RN, OCN October 3, 2019

Don’t be afraid to bring up birth control at your next appointment.  Your provider can help you understand your risk of pregnancy and what options may be right for you.


Used to Feel So Good, Now it Feels SO Baaaaad…

by Marloe Esch DNP, RN, OCN June 14, 2019

Healthy blood vessels, nerves, and hormones all play a role in the genital changes that happen during sexual arousal.  Unfortunately, certain cancer treatments can disrupt any part of this complex process.  For example, pelvic surgery or radiation can alter the blood or nerve supply to your genitals, or cause tissue damage and scar formation. 


Sex and the Survivor

by Amelia Baffa February 5, 2019

he impact of cancer and cancer treatment can physically and psychologically affect our relationships, this can be especially true when it comes to romance and/or intimate relationships.


After A Mastectomy You Get New Boobs! Yay! Wait, Not Really…

by Karen October 26, 2018

When I tell people about my mastectomy and breast reconstruction, I receive lots of support, many questions and even some rude comments. The most frequent thing I hear from both women and men is “at least you will get perky boobs” (insert awkward laugh here)