The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.


The stories and experiences in this category are written by people currently going through treatments for cancer. Read these stories to find inspiration and know that you are not alone in your experience with cancer.

Want to submit a story?  Click Here.

COVID-19 and Cancer Patients

by Jennifer Anand March 16, 2020

Self-isolation. With COVD-19, that’s what I’m hearing from everyone now. Aldi was completely sold out of meat, and almost of veggies. Sam’s Club was sold out of rice. Everyone, of course, is sold out of toilet paper.


The Time Bubble – March 2020 Issue

by Nick Giallourakis March 2, 2020

This issue covers a lot of mixed emotions and I’m sure you will find one that you will relate too. You will laugh and you will cry but like all things Elephants and Tea, we will do it together. I hope you enjoy our first magazine issue of 2020. 



by Meagan Shedd February 23, 2020

The front desk staff person comes out to hand me more forms and talks to the man next to me, telling “Julian” to be nice to me. Julian is peering over my shoulder as I complete the paperwork.


My Soul and My Body

by Elizabeth Jenkins February 7, 2020

It’s like I told my husband, if my book, helps just one person this is all that matters to me.  I just want people to know there is a meditation book out there not just for the cancer patient, but also for the caregivers, the medical profession, friends, family, or anyone who has been affected by cancer.  I know I am a miracle.


Door Number Three

by Matthew Englander February 3, 2020

Thankfully three years have come and gone, but the fear of that moment has remained in the foreground.  Am I three years from dying of cancer right now? One? 25? It’s the not-knowing that amplifies the effects of the disease.  Yes, everyone will die, most are afraid of it, there is no escaping death.


Tales from the Cancer Data Free Zone

by Hope Nesteruk February 2, 2020

I had cancer when I was 29.  Hodgkis Disease, stage IIA. Had cancer. Past tense. I did my 6 cycles of ABVD, got a clean PET, pulled out the port, and went on with my life.  I didn’t embrace the “survivor” label, didn’t raise money, didn’t even really talk about it. Sure, I followed up with oncology… for the most part.  Truth be told I was “lost to follow up” for a few years.


Back Door Invasion – The Colonoscopy

by Dee Master January 29, 2020

Health before modesty! That was one of the fist things my urologist Dr. Colli said to me when I started my bladder cancer journey in 2013. 2012 Thanksgiving was horrific. It was extremely stressful for me Dr. Google announced to me ‘hey you have bladder cancer just the day after thanksgiving’. But back to the […]


Survived, Endured and Beaten Bowel Cancer

by Peter King January 28, 2020

After a big operation like bowel cancer it would be surprising to live a normal life without any after effects or pain.  One very common thing people have after bowel cancer is adhesion and abdominal pain. 


Cancer Vision Board

by Christine Kelly January 27, 2020

My vision board sits on the corner of my cluttered desk in my dorm room. I see it every day, a reminder of the hope and excitement I have for my future. I used pictures and text from magazines, stickers, construction paper, and gemstones.


Never Underestimate Love

by Alyssa Wilson January 22, 2020

What I can say is that it took me a near death experience to learn to be a softer person, to love more deeply, and to know that some people can’t handle your diagnoses but its important to put you first. The body is an amazing thing, be careful of your words, never underestimate love and on the days you think you can’t make it, know that you can.