Posts by Dalia Grace
Patient, SarcomaD.N. Grace was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2016 when she was 28 years old. Poised on the cusp of enrolling in her dream school for a master’s degree in counseling. she found life taking her down a twisted and ugly path, one full of pain and frustration that led her to an amazing growth beyond description. Throughout her story, she shows how to hold onto faith during the darkest of times, how to search for hope, and how to understand the purpose of pain. This true story of Dalia‘s inspiring journey holds a multitude of life lessons.
Dalia and her husband, Remon, along with their sweet dog, Hodor, live in Orlando, Florida.
by Dalia Grace
November 10, 2020
Have you ever had this feeling before? Have you ever felt that life keeps on challenging you? As if it gains all the power in the world to crush you! Have you ever felt that life hates your existence? Have you ever felt that you don’t have any power left in you to fight back?