The Elephant in the Room is Cancer. Tea is the Relief Conversation Provides.

Posts by Anonymous

Sleeping with My Caregiver

by Anonymous November 9, 2023

Naked and ashamed, I just want to hide. I want to be alone. I don’t want what he wants. I don’t even know who I am anymore.

I lay there hoping this time will be different. This time, I will be more into him. Maybe it won’t hurt, or I won’t bleed. Maybe cancer won’t have the final say.


Finding Friends Who Understand

by Anonymous April 26, 2023

When I was first diagnosed, I didn’t want cancer friends. At the time I was still processing my diagnosis and trying to wrap my head around the fact that in a few weeks, I would be having awake brain surgery, chemo, and radiation. My brain tumor was an incidental find from a car accident, meaning I didn’t feel sick at all.


My Son. My Hero.

by Anonymous January 20, 2020

I know we just met in person recently when my son was diagnosed with ALL last March, but I feel like I’ve known you all my life. You have touched so many of my family and friends throughout the years and I just wanted to thank you for coming into my son’s life.


Cancer Saved My Life

by Anonymous October 29, 2019

Her words slammed into me and I gripped the sides of the paper-covered table to hold myself steady, holding her gaze as I processed the four syllables that washed over me again and again. Like a riptide that held me under, I fought my way to the surface only to be pulled below once more […]


My Cancer Sabbatical

by Anonymous October 15, 2019

Last October, I realized I needed a new bag for work. The leather was worn from being squeezed into clinic drawers. The fastenings had broken from trying to squash too many snacks in.